Braces in Davis County


Braces in Davis County

If you have a child or teenager who is in need of a straighter smile, they may or may not be excited about the idea of traditional braces in Davis County. However, we find that most of our younger patients get excited once they learn they can make their smiles colorful during the treatment process. Yes, there are metal brackets and wires, but if they desire, they can opt for colorful rubber bands to liven up their new hardware. At Summit Dental & Orthodontics of Davis County, we’ve been delivering this method of orthodontic treatment for years, so if your child needs traditional braces in Davis County, don’t hesitate to reach out to schedule a consultation.

How Do Traditional Braces Work?

Traditional braces are one of the most effective methods for straightening teeth. They have been used for decades to give people of all ages more beautiful smiles. While advancements in orthodontics in Davis County have led to the creation of other teeth straightening solutions such as Invisalign or Clear Correct, traditional braces still hold up to their competition.

Consisting of three parts: brackets, wires, and elastic rubber bands, all three work together to shift teeth into the correct position and alignment. When your child arrives for their first appointment, your dentist in Davis County will use a special bonding agent to place each bracket onto the appropriate teeth. Next, they will thread a metal wire through each bracket, snapping it into place. This wire will serve as an important player in moving the teeth throughout treatment. If at any point while wearing braces the dentist believes it to be necessary that your child wear rubber bands, this is where they can get crazy with their appearance.

Your child can choose from a wide variety of colors to jazz up their smile, all while working toward straighter, healthier teeth. These will help to align their upper and lower jaw.

Braces in Davis County

Who is a Good Candidate for Traditional Braces in Davis County?

Traditional braces are perfect for anyone of any age. As long as you have good oral health, you are a good candidate for traditional braces. It is best that if you need any pre-orthodontic dental work completed, such as gum disease therapy, fillings, or extractions, they are done prior to receiving your braces. If some teeth are affecting the potential success of orthodontic treatment, our dentists may suggest an extraction.

What Are the Benefits of Straighter Teeth?

A straighter smile has many benefits, including:

  • Increased self-esteem – Children can sometimes be mean, especially to those who might have crooked teeth. With straighter teeth, your child can feel free to smile with confidence.
  • Greater oral health – Straighter teeth are easier to clean, which means the chances of cavities and gum disease lessen.
  • Reduced chance for wear and tear – When your bite is off, this can put added pressure on certain teeth when biting or chewing. By putting your teeth and bite in proper alignment, this reduces wear and tear of your teeth.
Braces in Davis County

Understanding the Cost of Traditional Braces

You want to straighten your teeth, but first, you need to know how much traditional braces cost. After all, how can you commit to a treatment without understanding the financial investment? Fortunately, pinpointing the price of your orthodontic treatment is as simple as scheduling an appointment with our team. That way, we can learn more about your specific dental needs, provide you with an estimate, and review the available financial solutions. Of course, if you want to learn more before your no-cost consultation, please give us a call and we can answer any questions 🙂