Porcelain Veneers: 10 Things To Know

Cosmetic Dentistry


Do you ever look at those glossy magazine photos or Instagram squares and wonder how all those people have such perfect teeth? How are their smiles so pearly white and perfectly aligned?

Whether you suffer from dentophobia or are faithful about your dental visits, your teeth might not have the high wattage look as those celebrity smiles. Are they all just genetically blessed or is there some other secret to those perfect smiles?

Many are taking advantage of porcelain veneers to obtain the perfect white smile. Are you guilty of not showing your teeth? Are you reluctant to show off a big toothy grin because you’re self-conscious about the way your teeth look?

It might be time for you to consider updating your smile with porcelain dental veneers. Wondering about them and whether they would work for you? Read on to learn everything you need to know about porcelain dental veneers.

1. What Are Porcelain Veneers Exactly?

Dental porcelain veneers are a thin layer of porcelain material that adheres to the surface of the tooth. They are custom-made, including size, shape, and color for the person who is getting them.

While many people get porcelain veneers for cosmetic reasons, they can also be used in a restorative fashion too. They can be less invasive than placing a crown that covers an entire tooth. Instead, covering just the surface of the tooth.

Because the veneer adheres to the person’s natural tooth, they are a great choice to fix the teeth you have versus replacing them with an implant or denture.

2. Who Is a Good Candidate to Get Porcelain Veneers on Their Teeth?

Are you wondering if porcelain veneers would work on your teeth? While they work for many people, not all are good candidates for veneers. In most cases, anyone looking to change the appearance of their smile might be a candidate for veneers.

The veneers can change the color, shape, and size of your natural teeth. While your teeth might not be great in appearance, if you have healthy gums and good bone structure, you are likely good to get veneers.

Veneers help to address the following issues with your teeth:

  • Chipping
  • Staining
  • Old restorations and fillings
  • Uneven or narrow smile
  • Spacing problems
  • Crowding
  • Bite issues
  • Staining from antibiotics or fluorosis

Because getting veneers is a custom process, a quality cosmetic dentist can work with problems with your teeth and fix them with porcelain veneers.

3. Times When Veneers Might Not Work

There are a few situations where porcelain veneers might not work or work right away. Instead, you might need other dental work done before you’re able to get veneers.

One time when veneers might now work is when teeth are very worn down from grinding them. If the teeth are too worn down, it makes it challenging for the veneer to adhere to the surface of the tooth.

If you have large gaps in your teeth, it might be necessary to first have some orthodontic work done. The orthodontist moves the teeth to remove large gaps, then the cosmetic dentist can place the veneers. Remember, the veneer has to adhere to your teeth. If you place a veneer on a tooth where there is a large gap, the gap will remain.

Other times might include if teeth are too crowded or the jaw is so small the teeth are misaligned. Again, first, you would want to have an orthodontist move the teeth so there is room for the teeth to be properly placed, then get the veneers.

4. Process for Getting Veneers

Once it’s decided you’re a good candidate for porcelain veneers, it only takes about two visits to get them. First, you should see a Layton, UT cosmetic dentist, at Summit Dental & Orthodontics. Evaluate your mouth and whether you are a good candidate. If you need any other dental work done, you will want to do that first.

You wouldn’t want to get veneers and then need a root canal (more on this later). If you need an implant or any cavities filled, you want to do this before the veneer process.

On your first veneer visit to the dentist, a very thin layer of enamel is removed from your teeth. Imagine it is less than the thickness of a fingernail. Then the dentist does impressions to create a mold so your permanent veneer can be made.

Then you are fitted with a temporary restoration on your teeth. This is a good time for you to consider how they look and feel. Consider shape and color before the permanent one is placed.

On the second visit, the temporary restoration is removed. Your teeth get a bonding glue put on them and the permanent veneer is placed.

Most patients get a local anesthetic for these visits.

5. Recovery and Post Veneer Care

You might worry that with any dental procedure, what will the recovery be like? Recovery from both the first and second appointments for placing the veneers should be very easy.

You might find that your teeth feel a bit sensitive to temperature at first. You might also experience slight soreness, but it should be pretty mild. Mostly, you should hardly notice anything different except the bright new smile.

Your veneers don’t require any more special care than your teeth did. You should plan for regular dental visits and teeth cleanings. You should practice good oral hygiene and keep your teeth and gums clean. The better you care for your teeth, the longer the veneers will last and stay healthy-looking.

6. How Long Do Porcelain Veneers Last?

Remember, porcelain veneers are not a temporary fix. They are not removable and stay put in your mouth once you have the permanent ones.

Assuming you give them proper care, regular dentist visits, teeth brushing, and flossing, most veneers can last 10-15 years. Some even last up to 20 years.

After a while, you might forget they are not just your own natural teeth.

7. Porcelain Veneers Cost

You should approach the idea of porcelain veneers as an investment. They are not inexpensive. Yet, when you consider they could last up to 20 years, the cost becomes easier to accept.

The average cost for a porcelain veneer is between $925 to $2,500 per tooth. The average price is around $1,500 per tooth. This price will vary depending on your unique needs.

The good news is that you don’t need to have an entire mouth of veneers done. You can have only a few teeth done, depending on your needs and budget. The bad news is that a porcelain veneer is almost always considered cosmetic by dental insurance companies and therefore, not covered or only covered on a limited basis by insurance.

8. Impact of Root Canals

If you need a root canal done, especially on a tooth you plan to veneer, you should, if possible, do it before the veneer is placed. Often when getting a root canal the tooth will darken. Sometimes the dental materials used on the root even cause a coloration change.

Veneers are very thin. To make them look more natural, they are also more translucent than they used to be. If you have a tooth that suddenly discolors or discolors as a result of a root canal, it can show through the veneer.

While it might not be totally avoidable, if you need a root canal, you should do that first, so the dentist can adjust the color of the veneer as needed after the root canal surgery.

9. Customizable Veneers

Porcelain veneers are a wonderful way to improve your smile by changing the color, shape, and size of teeth. The key to them is using a dentist who understands how to make them work for your mouth.

Maybe you have seen someone with non-natural-looking veneers. Maybe the white is too bright or the teeth look too big. The dentist should work with you to customize the veneers so they look and feel natural to your mouth.

Naturally, people want a bright smile. So, their inclination is to choose the whitest veneer they can get. Yet, that might not look natural for you. Let your cosmetic dentist look at your other teeth, and the color of your skin, to find the right shade that will look right for you.

10. Cosmetic Dentists

Porcelain veneers are specialized cosmetic dentistry. While many dentists might say they do veneers, you want to find a dentist who specializes in cosmetic dentistry. Summit Dental & Orthodontics has well over 1000 positive reviews for their practice of general dentistry, restorative dentistry, and cosmetic dentistry.

Summit Dental & Orthodontics is the Layton, UT dentist team, with the right experience to completely customize your veneers so they will give you a winning smile that will last for years and years.

Porcelain Veneers to Give You a Beautiful Smile

Are you ready to consider porcelain veneers from your Layton dentist to improve the look and feel of your smile? Consider getting the veneers to amp up your confidence and face the world with a winning smile all the time.

Let Summit Dental & Orthodontics help you to create a beautiful smile you can be proud of. Contact us today to get more information and to set up a consultation appointment.