Local Anesthesia Techniques for Dental Hygienists: Continuing Education Event

General Dentistry

Dental Hygiene CE

On May 29th, 2024, we had the pleasure of hosting a remarkable continuing education event focusing on Local Anesthesia Techniques for Dental Hygienists. This event, tailored for dental hygienists in the Davis and Weber County areas, was a resounding success, and we are thrilled to share the highlights with you.

Dental Hygienists

A Distinguished Guest Speaker: Shane Perry, MEd, RDH, and Associate Professor

The event was graced by our esteemed guest speaker, Shane Perry, a respected professor at Weber State University. With his extensive knowledge and experience, Professor Perry provided invaluable insights into the latest advancements and best practices in local anesthesia techniques. His engaging presentation style and ability to simplify complex concepts made the session both informative and enjoyable for all attendees.

Shane Perry

Engaging Content and Hands-On Learning

The workshop was designed to enhance the skills and knowledge of dental hygienists, ensuring they stay at the forefront of their profession. Professor Perry covered a range of topics, including:

  • The anatomy and physiology of pain management.
  • Various local anesthesia techniques and their applications.
  • Strategies for managing patient anxiety and ensuring comfort during procedures.
  • Latest advancements in anesthesia technology and their practical implications.

Attendees appreciated the hands-on learning opportunities, where they could practice and refine their techniques under the guidance of an expert. The interactive nature of the event encouraged lively discussions and the sharing of personal experiences, enriching the learning experience for everyone involved.

Dental Hygienists

Positive Feedback and Networking Opportunities

The feedback from attendees was overwhelmingly positive. Many expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to learn from a distinguished professional like Professor Perry. They highlighted the practical knowledge gained and the confidence boost they received in applying these techniques in their daily practice.

Moreover, the event provided an excellent platform for networking. Dental hygienists from across Davis and Weber Counties had the chance to connect, exchange ideas, and build professional relationships. The sense of community and shared passion for excellence in dental care was palpable.

Dental Hygienists

A Special Thanks

We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Shane Perry, MEd, RDH, and Associate Professor for his outstanding contribution to the success of this event. His expertise and enthusiasm were truly inspiring. We also thank all the dental hygienists who attended and actively participated, making the event a vibrant and productive experience.

Looking Forward

The success of this event has motivated us to continue organizing similar educational opportunities in the future. We are committed to supporting the professional growth of dental hygienists and ensuring they have access to the latest knowledge and skills in the field.

Stay tuned for announcements about upcoming events. Together, we can continue to elevate the standards of dental care in our community.

Thank you once again for making this event a triumph. We look forward to seeing you at our next continuing education workshop!

Dental Hygienists

We hope you enjoyed this recap of our Local Anesthesia Techniques for Dental Hygienists event. For more updates and information on future events please reach out to us on our website or email [email protected]. Your dedication to continuous learning and professional development is what drives us to keep bringing you the best educational experiences.

Warm regards,

Summit Dental & Orthodontics