How to Treat Worn Down Teeth

worn down teeth

It’s not unusual for teeth to succumb to everyday wear and tear. Worn down teeth are also a natural sign of aging.

Worn teeth can have a huge impact on self-esteem as they can become smaller, darker and even affect your bite. Attrition, abrasion, and erosion can all contribute to your smile getting worn down. 


A number of different dentistry treatments have been developed to treat worn down teeth, including:

Crowns: are a very common treatment for worn teeth. The procedure must be carried out by a dental professional and involves placing caps on the top of ground down or damaged teeth.

Dental bonding: the treatment involves using a tooth-colored composite material to cover any imperfections. This material is applied to the edge of the teeth to cover the worn edges.

Veneers: help to restore the aesthetic look, function, and feel of your teeth. The dentistry procedure involves placing a thin piece of porcelain over the front of the teeth, this treatment is mostly used to repair the front of the teeth to improve appearance.


Worn teeth are increasingly common, especially in older people. Some wear to teeth is a natural side effect of aging, but other factors such as over-brushing, and consuming acidic food and drinks can make it worse.


There are many symptoms including:

  1. Loss of protective enamel
  2. Increased tooth sensitivity
  3. Changes in the appearance
  4. Chipping
  5. Translucent teeth

The good news is that worn teeth can be prevented and treated once the cause is identified.


There are several types and causes including:


Bruxism is one of the main factors that can lead to worn teeth. Generally caused by stress, it refers to involuntary teeth grinding or clenching. Many people grind their teeth during the night, even without realizing it, making it a difficult habit to stop.


Erosion is one of the most common causes of tooth wear and can have a huge impact on the functionality and appearance of your teeth. It causes the loss of the tooth structure and is usually caused by acidic foods and drinks. Dental erosion can also refer to the progressive loss of the tooth’s surface due to acidic chemicals. It is caused by acids coming up from your stomach, which can dissolve the crystals that make up your teeth.

Did you know that one of the most damaging causes of dental erosion is the consumption of fizzy drinks? Fizzy drinks have far more acid than other drinks which is a significant cause of dental erosion. Although saliva naturally neutralizes the acid in your mouth, by consuming too many fizzy drinks or acid foods/drinks and not cleaning your teeth properly, the outer layer of the enamel can wear away.


Abrasion is where the teeth are worn down by an external force. It is often caused by excessive brushing, using a hard-bristled toothbrush, biting fingernails, and chewing pens and other hard objects.


This is known as tooth-to-tooth wear and usually occurs on the biting edges of the teeth. This type of wear is generally caused by excessive clenching or grinding and can happen at any age.


If worn teeth are left untreated it can quickly lead to further deterioration as well as a whole host of other long-term issues including:

  1. Tooth Sensitivity
  2. Infection
  3. Problems with tooth restoration
  4. Issues with fillings


The experienced team at Summit Dental & Orthodontics can help to restore your teeth and prevent further damage, providing you with a positive outcome for your dental health.

In addition to customized mouth guards to improve teeth grinding, and appliances that help to realign bite. Dentistry treatments offered are composite resin bonding, cosmetic contouring, crowns, and in severe cases orthognathic surgery.

Call us at 801-547-8800 to understand more about our treatments for worn teeth, or schedule an appointment online for a complimentary consultation.